Monday, June 29, 2009

The Weekend

We had a fun exciting weekend.. we ended up going to Wendover on Saturday.. Curtis ended up winning so that was exciting everyone else lost.. :( But yea for Curtis.. and then we ended up getting up really early to go 4 wheeling which ended up taking for ever to get out of the house.. ended up leaving at 12.. haha.. that is okay we ended up getting out to Delle.. and had a blast went on a couple hr ride up to a mining area and it was just nice being out of town. So shortly after are long trip it was pretty hot we loaded up the bikes drooped them off and grabbed the swim suites and went swimming over at grandma's and grandpa's house.. it was fun.. Sammie is doing so good at swimming with her water wings.. she can do it all by her self not so bad for a 1 year old.. :) and that is about it now its back to work Monday... :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009


So here are some new pictures of the Padres.. love the uniforms this time.. much much better than spring ball. last time they were a walking advertisement.. this time they get to be an actual team. and the hats are awsome.. SO very excited the first game we played was agains the royals.. :) they all did a great job.. more pictures to follow I am sure..:)

Friday, June 26, 2009


We had another great game yesterday.. Glad we were able to play before it started to rain... man enough with the rain.. ughhh... and the wind up here is so bad.. it blew down are fence.. now we have to make a trip to the great Home Depot.. to go buy more lumber and cement to fix it.. ughh..I swear if its not one thing its another.. We are hoping to take out the bikes this weekend.. and spend the day riding and being in the sun.. I will keep you up dated how the weekend goes..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rough Day

Today was a rough day.. started out with .. the dog eating are pet rabbit.. ughh how devastating and then got stung by a bee.. which was just lovely since I didn't even want to be out side to mow the lawn. Then the Dog started chasing the neighbor kids and scaring them.. so then we had to get rid of the dog.. and also we had tball practice today which went good glad that it did I think we had a eventful day... ughh ready for bed.. So that we can get up and do it all over again.......

Summer T-ball Begin's

Okay.. So T-ball started yesterday they are now the PADRES ...:) there uniforms are much better this time around quite pleased..:) supper excited to get Aviry out of the house have practice Mon and Wen game nights are Tues and Thur so that is what I am going to be up to the next couple of months.:) I will have some pictures posted shortly of the first game..:) way to go Padres.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back From Vegas

Okay.. So we made it back from Vegas we had a great time. Although it was a bit scary on the way down there we had ran into some storms.. If you all no me I do not drive well in storms.. so after we got out of the storms it was smooth sailing.. :) we made it down to Vegas about 630 is and we went over to meet Josh's family and had some dinner from there we went to my brothers house and slept.. The next morning we got up and went back over to Josh's family's house to go swimming which was a lot of fun. from there later that evening we took the kids down to Fremont street. to check out the light show.. Later that night me and Tori stayed up waiting for the arrival of my brother and his kids.. they had to stay up pretty late getting all ready for bday party the next day over at the carousel Which was a good time to visit and play.. and then we went home to play some games and cook dinner.. after that we were on the road again to get home early for fathers day.. :) So all in all it was a great trip.. wish there was a little bit more time to spend with the family.. :) but at least we got to see them and catch up..:)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

About To Take A Trip

So we are about to go on an adventure.. me my niece Tori and both of my kids are going to head of to the great Las Vegas, We will be following my sister Kimberly down with her honey Josh and his 3 kids. They are heading down to see Josh's Family and Me and my Sister will be stopin in to say hi to my brother Scot and his lovely family. We will be leaving on Thursday and coming back on Sunday. Unfortunately Curtis will not be joining us this trip..
I am going to bring my camera and take so many pictures I wont know what to do with all of them.. :) I am going to leave it at that for now.. and I will be sure to get those pictures up first thing..