Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Go RedSox!

Aviry has been the pitcher for the RedSox... It has been exciting and exhausting all at the same time. We are down to the last 4 weeks of school for Aviry and we just recently moved so a whole bunch of new stuff going..That about all I got right now.. Check in later.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010


So today I went and enrolled aviry at a new school during open enrollment I hope that he gets excepted.. It is a really nice school and he would be bused to and from school everyday.. which would be nice.. for so many reason :)  Curtis got a call from the Dr. today and the blood test came back that his liver seems to be okay for now, he still has to go in next week to do some test for his thyroid they are thinking his liver is having problems due to the thyroid issues..:) but his liver is okay right now they want him to repeat the test next month.. just to be sure.:)  not anything else to exciting to talk about today..  tell next time.:)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One Week..

I have one week left tell I start Paul Mitchell... I am getting excited but nervous.. at the same time. I took Curtis to the Dr. yesterday and it came back that he has high thyroid and also some problems with his liver.. he had to go back yesterday night to have some more blood drawn for some more tests on his liver.. He is suppose to be setting up another test for his thyroid over at the IHC.. We are really anxious to know what is happening. and how bad it is, although we are keeping are fingers crossed that everything is okay... :)   will keep you updated.. tell next time.. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

**Super Bowl**

Go Saints... 
We are over at The Kelly's watching the Super Bowl games and the Saints are killing the Colts.. The day has been long.. Cody and Aviry pushed Sammie down in the mud.. she has been sick the last couple of days.. Today is the first day she has been getting back to normal.. A lot has happened in a couple of weeks.. I only have a week left of work over at North West Research.. and then it is a week away from starting school.. I will be attending school at Paul Mitchell.. so exciting.. My cousin Kelli was just diagnosed with cancer. I wish her all the best and only good news to come! We are going to be going to Wendover the weekend after Valentines Day.. hope we win big. I will keep you update with more later... Oh Yeah.. Go Saints... :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sammie Turned 2

So this last weekend was Sammie's Birthday.. and she is now 2.. we had a ladybug them party and it was pretty easy and fast.. it was super fun she ended up getting a lot of great gifts..:) and she has been extremly occupied with taking care of all her new baby dolls.. :) thanks for everyone who came to help us celebrate also thanks to my aunt and cousin in washington for sending the cutest lil ladybugs to put on the cake that I made for sammie.. it was the best..:) deffinatly thinking about taking a cake decorating class.. I need it..:) maybe avirys cake will be better.. stayed tuned..:)